Sunday, September 30, 2007

Too Much Time

It's not something I am used to having. Too much time. What to do with your day when you have no duties?

We were planning on working on a deck and some interior projects but that didn't pan out. We forgot to call Iowa 1 Call before diggig and the guy didn't have the trim for the windows, nor any of the linolium or surround for the bathroom. So that was a bust.

So, the rest of the day was taken up with filling back CardShark orders, getting a haircut (and flirting with the stylist - she's cute and single!), watching SuperBad, and getting my weeks shopping done.

Which leaves about 8 hours of no plans just in the afternoon! I need to learn how to get a social life!!!

This is going to be a quick week, got a secret shop to do between Monday and Wednesday, working on the house as able in the evenings, and taking Friday off for travel. Going out of town to visit a dear friend.

I am nervous about my weigh in tomorrow. I have a goal in mind - 240 to start. However, I have had that goal for a couple years now and am not a whole lot closer to reaching it. I need to set a timeline.

In preparation for National Novel Writing Month I have decided to convert to using a Dvorak keyboard. I ordered stickers to put over the keys of both my home and work keyboards. I am going to need all the speed I can get while trying to pump out 2000 words a day!

That's all the random stuff for today. Stay tuned for tonights poem revisited.

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